Interesting facts about pets


Pets can be found in many houses and apartments. Every owner loves his or her pet very much and pleases it as much as possible. But not all owners of small friends know everything about them. In this article you can find out some facts about pets that may surprise you.

5 amazing facts about cats: 

Most people would like to own a small fluffy ball. According to the statistics, kittens are ranked as the most popular pets. And there is every reason for that – nearly everyone wants to have a little miracle at home, which pleases with its plays and purring. In a private house a cat is an excellent hunter of unwanted rodents. So what else can you say about cats, other than they are the cutest creatures? In fact, there’s a lot more to know about them:

  1. Cats are very hardy animals. This conclusion comes from the fact that many kittens fall out of open windows and nearly all of them survive, to the joy of their owners. A case was recorded when a cat fell from the 36th floor and just got off with a couple of scratches. Who knows, maybe a cat really has nine lives? But this is not a reason to test the endurance of your pets! Keep windows closed if there is a risk for a kitten to fall out.
  2. Chocolate is strictly forbidden for cats. Many people know that cats have a big sweet tooth. But it turns out that even one piece of chocolate can be fatal for them, because it does contain an ingredient that takes a very long time to digest in a cat’s body.
  3. Cats believe that their owners are very inept hunters. Cats from private houses often bring mice home, to their owner’s feet. Everyone thinks they do it for praise, to show how good they are. But in reality, cats just care about humans. In cats’ view, humans are very bad at hunting and cannot feed themselves.
  4. Kittens are able to avoid poisoning and burns. Before eating, they carefully sniff the food so that they can determine the temperature of food and its composition.
  5. Fluffy balls treat people. Scientists refute this fact, but many cat owners notice that cats identify a sore spot on a human’s body to lie down on. After that the pain usually subsides a little.

5 amazing facts about dogs:

The most loyal pets are, of course, dogs. All happy owners of these charming animals love them very much and surround them with care; and dogs reciprocate with positive emotions, incredible loyalty and love too. Here’s what you can learn about them:

  1. Dogs have an amazingly developed sense of smell. Specifically this characteristic allows dogs to search for people, explosives or drugs. The sense of smell in dogs is 100 thousand times stronger than that humans have.
  2. Dogs are the most diverse in appearance animals. They are a celebration of a wide variety of size, shape, body build, color – all this can be completely different. That’s why there are so many breeds.
  3. Dogs are the smartest pets. This is not surprising to most people, but not all of them know how smart dogs are. A dog’s intellect is nearly equal to that of a child. This allows them to remember and distinguish between some words, execute certain commands and solve simple tasks.
  4. Dogs read well humans emotions well. Surprisingly, but they can tell by humans’ faces what they are experiencing – joy or sadness, as well as many other emotions. Also, dogs themselves may have different feelings, such as love and jealousy.
  5. Dogs dream dreams. Like all people, dogs can experience a variety of dreams. This can be noticed when a dog is asleep and begins to twitch, perhaps moving his legs, as if trying to escape.

5 facts about hamsters:

These cute animals are very popular as pets among many families. They are small-sized, sweet and playful; that’s why children really like hamsters.  Here are some interesting things about this type of pets.

  1. Lifespan of hamsters. Usually pet hamsters live about 2 – 2.5 years, there are some who live 3 years, and very rarely 4 years. This is due to the fact that one year of human life is equal to a quarter of a century for hamsters.
  2. Hamsters have a good memory. Despite the fact that they are tiny animals, they remember their names well, and, if you put enough effort into it, they can learn and perform tricks.
  3. Hamsters cover a distance of 10 km. In the evening, sometimes at night, these animals are surprisingly active, especially on their little wheels. If it were not a wheel, but a straight road, they would be travelling about 10 km.
  4. Hamster cheeks are very roomy. Behind their cheeks, they carry food, which by weight can be up to 20% of their total body weight.
  5. Hamsters eat everything. Many people believe that such small-sized pets eat only leaves, vegetables and fruits. But in fact, they can also eat insects.

5 facts about parrots:

These birds are quite popular as pets, as they are very funny, incredibly beautiful, and even have a great mind. What else is there to know about them? But there are some facts that are not everyone knows:

  1. Parrots feel the rhythm perfectly. If you play music that a parrot likes, it can start dancing to the beat, making fun for everyone around it.
  2. There is a school for parrots. This sounds surprising, but in Australia there is a school where they teach parrots how to talk.
  3. Life span. As pets parrots live for a long time with their owners. Small species live from 15 to 20 years, but large ones can live up to 80 years.
  4. Parrots love once. They fall in love only once and for the rest of their lives. With complete confidence parrots can be called monogamous.
  5. Parrots give names to their babies. When baby birds arrive, they are given certain sounds that are like names for humans’ babies. Baby birds, in turn, remember their names and their relatives.

5 facts about turtles:

Turtles are often kept as pets, but not many people know the following facts about them.

  1. The gender of baby turtles depends on surrounding temperature. If turtle eggs are kept in cool conditions, males will appear; if the conditions are warm, then you can expect females.
  2. Turtles are faster in water. Turtles of aquatic species move much faster in water than on land. Their speed can be up to 25 km/h.
  3. Turtles don’t care about their offspring. They lay eggs and forget about them.
  4. Turtles are omnivorous. One type of turtle can consume mostly vegetation, while another type of them needs meat.
  5. Turtles may stay hungry for a long time. Baby turtles need food every day, but adult turtles can starve for months or even years.

All pets bring joy and happiness to their owners; anyone who has a little ‘friend’ can rely on a good mood and positive emotions being provided for them.

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