How to choose the best pet?


Most people sooner or later have a desire to own a pet, but sometimes they cannot decide for what kind of animal attracts them more. To resolve this issue, you should find out what kind of animal is suitable for the type of care you are able to give.

Can you pay enough attention to your pet? When choosing a pet it is always important to take into account the nature, characteristics and behavior of an animal. Therefore, you should weigh all the pros and cons of bringing a pet home and only after that come to a final decision.

Dog as a family member

 Loving, loyal and active dogs will suit almost everyone! A wide variety of breeds will help you choose the perfect pet. But do not forget that dogs quickly become attached to their owner and are very sad when the owner is not at home for a long time. Dogs are very active pets. They like regular walks, to play with the owner, and some dogs need training too. The conditions of keeping a dog are also important, because the larger the dog, the more space it needs. Do not forget about preventive examinations and vaccinations of dogs. A dog should be a well-groomed and beloved pet, so think carefully before getting this animal as a pet.

Purring joy

Cats are less sociable and not so worried about spending a little time apart from their owners. They like to be petted, to play, but do not take to training. They are very attractive with their cute appearance and funny behavior. Cats are quite expensive in terms of care, if you consider proper nutrition, toys, scratching posts, planned trips to the vet. Therefore, if you can provide a cat with comfortable living conditions and care, feel free to choose this animal.


Hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas – all these cute animals can be easily found in any pet store. Small rodents have a short life span of about 2-3 years, while other rodents live up to 7-8 years. Temperaments of these animals are different, they are often quite harmless, but when buying, be sure to specify the nature of the pet. As pets, rodents are unpretentious and do not require special attention. Keeping them is quite simple to keep. The regular cleaning of the cage depends on your desire to avoid unpleasant odors in the house, as well as aspirations to take care of your pet’s health and its lifespan. If you have children, rodent care will help them to learn responsibility and care.

Parrots and other birds

Birds are perfect for constantly busy people who want to have an adorable pet, but do not have enough time to take care of it. The most important thing is not to forget to feed and clean the cage from time to time. Parrots are trainable and can be taught to talk, which could be fun. A small disadvantage of parrots is their noise, but in general they are nearly ideal as pets.

Inhabitants of the aquarium

In an aquarium you can keep fish, snails, turtles and frogs. Types of water inhabitants vary from the most simple and unpretentious, to beautiful and exotic. Aquarium pets are easy to care for, only feeding and periodic cleaning of the aquarium is required. They are absolutely silent, nice and very interesting to watch, especially when the aquarium is large, with many inhabitants and decorated well. Be sure to keep in mind that some types of pet fish need special care, so for those with little time, get fish that are easier to care for.

Exotic pets

Many people would like to own an unusual pet; maybe to create a ‘wow’ effect or to see all passers-by turning around in amazement if you were to take your exotic pet for a walk. You can get a snake, spider, iguana, fox, raccoon, ferret, and even a tame crocodile! But imagine how much care will arise with such species of the animal world? You would need to know all the details of the keeping, care and training of exotic pets. What if, for example, your favorite tarantula ‘John’ escapes from your apartment located in a multi-storey building? When your neighbors find out about that, a good half of them will turn gray, and the other half will make a complaint against you. Therefore, be objective and sensible in choosing a pet and remember that you are choosing not a temporary toy, but a friend and an extra reason for joy.

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