What fruits can be fed to a dog?


Fruits and berries must not be the basis of a dog’s diet, but they can certainly bring a lot of benefits to your pet’s health. It is important to know what fruits can be fed to your dog, and which should be avoided. So what kind of fruit can you treat your dog with?

Apples clean your pet’s teeth and refresh his breath. Slices or small pieces of apple are a great treat. Be sure to remove the core because the dog may choke on the seeds.

Apricot strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves liver and kidneys function. Make sure the stone is removed and, if possible, remove apricot skin too. Some dogs like to bite apricot stones, but remember they do contain cyanide. Apricot is known for a laxative effect, so it should be given a little at a time.

Banana also strengthens the muscular system, including the heart muscle. Bananas are convenient to take with you for long walks. This is a perfect snack for both the owner and the dog.

Blackberry has antibacterial properties and helps to maintain the oral health. If you want to share blackberries with your pet, choose sweet berries, not tart ones.

Blueberries enhance a dog’s visual acuity. Fresh berries relieve constipation and dried ones treat diarrhea. Blueberries improve the condition of the kidneys and bladder. Sweet blueberries can be eaten even by pets with diabetes.

Cranberry supports gum health, improves the condition of the bladder and helps the immune system function normally. You can give fresh or dried berries, adding them to the regular dog’s food, but do not treat your pet to cranberries in sugar.

Melon is rich in beta-carotene, which is good for eyes and the immune system. Only the melon flesh can be given to the dog. The rough texture of melon skin can cause damage to intestines.

Raspberries can help in the fight against cancer and blood circulation problems. Most dogs like sweet berries, but in excessive amount it can cause diarrhea.

Strawberries are a source of antioxidants. Strawberries enhance the immune system, normalize blood sugar levels and are considered to be a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Remove the sepal and cut the berry into two or even four parts, so the dog does not choke.

Watermelon contains lycopene – the antioxidant protecting the body at the cellular level. On a hot summer day treat your pet to a slice of juicy watermelon, peeling it from seeds and rind, which are poorly digested.


How to serve fruits to dogs?

It is fine just to clean fresh or frozen fruit and cut into pieces. If you want to treat your pet to a something new, try one of the recipes below.

Iced Fruit

Fill an ice cube tray with a little water or yogurt (free of sugar and flavorings). Add pieces of sliced fruit or berries to each cube and freeze the mixture. Fruit ice is good as homemade summertime treat to keep your pet cool, but should be given no more than 1-2 cubes at a time.


You can use water, yogurt, beef or chicken broth without spices as a base. Mix the base with pieces of fresh or frozen fruit and serve to your pet.

You can simply add crushed fruit to your dog’s bowl with his regular breakfast or dinner. The new product will be eaten by your pet willingly; and will be digested better.

What fruits should not be fed to your dog?

Some fruits and berries should not be offered to your pet in order to avoid health problems such as damaged teeth, digestive disorders and allergic reactions. Never give the dog these fruits:

—  grapes;

—  sweet and sour cherries;

— pomegranate;

— peach

— plum;

— citrus (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit).

When you treat your dog to fruit or berries for the first time, give a small amount and monitor his reaction. At the slightest sign of an adverse effect, exclude the fruit treat from his diet in the future, even if the product is theoretically safe.

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